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About the Project

Renewable Energy Systems Canada Inc. (RES) is proposing to develop, build and operate the Big Sky Solar Power Project (the “Project” or “Big Sky”). Big Sky is a 140 MWac solar energy generation project located approximately 2.5 kilometres northwest of the hamlet of Acadia Valley, Alberta.

Project Details

The Project will consist of the following infrastructure and would use approximately 800 acres of previously disturbed, cultivated land.

Solar Panels and Inverters: Approximately 340,000 tier 1 polysilicon bifacial solar modules on single-axis trackers and bi-directional inverters to enable the potential addition of an energy storage facility.

Collection System: The collection system consists of 34.5kV underground cables connecting the inverters to the Project substation.

Substation: The collection lines will lead into a step-up transformer in the new 144kV RES Bullseye 1004S Substation to be located on NW 32-25-2-W4M.

Interconnection: The Project proposes to connect to the Alberta Interconnected Electricity System (AIES) by t-tapping an existing ATCO owned and operated 144kV transmission line via a new approximately 65 m Project transmission line. Public engagement for this development will be carried out separately in Q2 2022.

Access Roads: Access roads throughout the project will provide safe access to the solar facility during its construction and operations and maintenance phases.

Fence: A security fence will surround the entire Project during both construction and operations.

Local Benefits

The local community will receive benefits from the proposed Big Sky Solar Power Project, including:

  • Substantially increased municipal tax revenues throughout the life of the project
  • Hundreds of construction and operations jobs and support services during construction
  • Up to 5 long-term employment opportunities during operations and throughout the life of the Project
  • Contract opportunities for local businesses
  • Increased local spending on goods and services during the Project’s development, construction and operational phases.