The Alberta Utilities Commission approved the Project application in Decision 27594-D01-2022 and granted an approval to Big Sky Solar GP Inc. to construct and operate the power plant and substation. The decision can be viewed on our Project Documents Page.
RES has submitted its application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). The application can be viewed by longing into the AUC's efiling system under proceeding 27594.
PROJECT UPDATE (Spring 2022)
In Spring 2022, RES received its referral report from Alberta Environment and Parks with a low-risk rating and initiated its Participant Involvement Program (PIP). A Project Specific Information Package was mailed to all stakeholders within 800 m of the project boundary as well as regulatory agencies and local interest groups. The PSIP can be viewed on our Documents Page.
As part of the government review process, solar projects are subject to various environmental study and reporting requirements. In order to meet these requirements and to design the Project layout, we are in the process of completing a number of studies, including desktop and field studies focused on:
- Wildlife Field Surveys
- Wetlands Classification and Mapping
- Vegetation Field Surveys and Mapping
- Soil Surveys
- Geotechnical Studies
- Noise Impact Assessment
- Glare Impact Assessment
- Sub-surface Surveys for oil/gas facilities & other underground infrastructure
RES is currently in the process of:
- Undertaking the Participant Involvement Program
- Conducting ongoing stakeholder consultation activities
- Design and Engineering
- Permitting activities including the AUC application.
As the Project proceeds through the development process, we are committed to working with all landowners and stakeholders to establish and maintain a strong relationship between RES and the community. We strive to exceed the minimum requirements on all our projects, and we commit to responding and acting on all comments and concerns in a timely manner.
We will advise stakeholders prior to submitting an application to the AUC for approval, which we anticipate could be as early as Q3 2022.